
20 сентября 2024

Domklik: the average cost of apartments in Russia was 7.6 million rubles

In the Russian Federation, prices of different types of real estate were compared.
20 сентября 2024

Vedomosti: more than a third of Russian companies refused to raise salaries for IT specialists

Some Russian organizations do not intend to index the income of specialists in the field of information technology.
20 сентября 2024

Developer Zhelezno will place a billion rubles worth of CFA on the Alfa-Bank platform

A large Russian company will once again offer an analogue of exchange-traded fixed income bonds.
20 сентября 2024

In Mordovia, gas was supplied to two more villages

The construction of gas pipelines to the settlements of Lyulya in the Chamzinsky district and Saneyevka in the Atyashevsky district has been completed.
20 сентября 2024

Students of Mordovia are invited to join online lessons on financial literacy

The Bank of Russia offers schoolchildren and students to learn the basics of economic activity.
20 сентября 2024

The Chairman of the Government of Mordovia discussed the progress of work on the improvement of the site of the complex "Builders of the Sursky Frontier"

The defensive line, in whose honor the memorial is being created, was built in order to detain Hitler's troops on the approaches to major cities of the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War.
20 сентября 2024

A village club has opened in the Staroshaygovsky district of Mordovia after major repairs

The work in the building was carried out within the framework of the national project "Culture".