In December 2024, 55 billion 488.4 million yuan and 58.957 tons of gold from the NWF were sold for 1.3 trillion rubles in accordance with budget legislation. The financial resources received were used to compensate for the Federal Budget deficit.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
As of January 1, the amount of the liquid part of the fund (not invested in projects, representing reserves in accounts with the Central Bank, approx. Media Talk) reached 3.81 trillion rubles, which is 2% of the projected gross domestic product for 2024, or 37.47 billion US dollars.
The NWF is the reserve fund of the Russian Federation and consolidates additional budget revenues from the sale of hydrocarbons. The Fund performs a stabilizing function, covering budget deficits, as well as providing financing for major federal infrastructure projects. In addition to excess oil revenues, the second significant source of replenishment of the Fund is income from the placement of part of its funds, including in Russian and foreign securities, money market funds and investment projects.