The majority of Russian residents prefer products of domestic production

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The majority of Russian residents prefer products of domestic production
18th of Febuary. /MEDIA TALK/. According to a VTsIOM study, 63% of Russian citizens would prefer a locally produced product to an imported one at an equal cost.

For a quarter of the respondents, the place of production of the product does not matter, while 6% choose goods produced abroad.

The survey data indicate that older people tend to consider Russian-made goods more reliable: 49% of respondents born before 1947 and 44% of those born between 1948 and 1967 share this opinion. Among people born after 2001, only one in four agrees with this position.


It is noted that over the past three decades, the number of Russian citizens who do not associate the quality of a product with its place of manufacture has increased from 18% to 30%.

The study participants also noted that 30 years ago, domestic products were more affordable: in 1995, 39% of respondents believed that they cost less than imported ones, while in 2025 only 23% believe so. At the same time, a third of the respondents reported that the cost of Russian and imported products has become the same.

Earlier, we cited data from another VTsIOM survey, according to which a third of Russian residents began to use delivery services all the time.
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