The maximum rate level is set at 44.5%. The bank made this decision against the background of a decrease in the value of government bonds. At the same time, since March 7, Sberbank has adjusted the conditions for deposits "Best %" and "Savings Deposit". Their rates have been lowered: for ordinary customers to 21% per annum, and for the premium segment to 21.25%.
Earlier, on March 4, the bank changed mortgage rates, reducing them by 1-1.5 percentage points, depending on the size of the initial payment.
By the end of 2024, Sberbank became the leader in the growth of its loan portfolio. However, by the end of the year, he saw a decrease in lending volumes, as did VTB, Alfa-Bank and T-bank. Experts note that the main factor in the growth of the credit market last year was car loans. However, the dynamics in this segment is expected to slow down this year.