В Подмосковье заложили первый камень будущего ФОКа с бассейном

Новый спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс появится в Лобне.

В Новосибирске будут судить банду, организовавшую подпольное казино

Следователи собрали достаточно доказательств и передали документы в суд.

Московские врачи помогли спасти новорожденного из Иркутской области с редким резус-фактором

Глава Приангарья Игорь Кобзев и глава региональной службы переливания крови Максим Зарубин вручили медикам благодарственные письма.


29 августа 2024

A new paramedic and obstetric center will be built in the village of Studenye Khutora, Lipetsk region

The work is carried out within the framework of the national project "Healthcare" and the regional project "Modernization of primary health care".
27 августа 2024

Thanks to the new ultrasound equipment, more than 800 studies have already been conducted in Syzran

The equipment was purchased as part of the national Healthcare project.
27 августа 2024

The first batch of flu vaccine was delivered to the Novosibirsk region

In preparation for the new epidemiological season, the region received 420,000 doses of the vaccine.
23 августа 2024

Chelyabinsk surgeons have learned how to remove plaques in a new way

Doctors of the YUGMU hospital began to use a new device in their work.
22 августа 2024

In one of the districts of Yekaterinburg, houses were quarantined for rabies

The list includes 30 buildings from the Krasnolesye microdistrict.
21 августа 2024

The prosecutor's office helped a disabled person from Irkutsk to get medicines

The medicines for which the prescription was written out were not given out for several months.
7 августа 2024

At the beginning of next year, a new children's polyclinic will start operating in St. Petersburg

A medical facility for 320 visitors per shift is being built in the Krasnoselsky district on Geroyev Avenue.