Южная Корея закупила в России рекордное количество древесины

В июле объём поставок древесной продукции составил 33 миллиона долларов.

Дальний Восток может стать флагманским регионом в развитии отечественной энергетики

Министерство энергетики выделило регион в отдельный блок в стратегии, разработанной до 2050-го года.

Глава Пушкинского побывал на избирательных участках округа

Максим Красноцветов оценил организацию процесса.


29 августа 2024

Voronezh is discussing the construction of a shopping center, kindergarten and residential buildings near the airport

A residential complex may appear a few kilometers from Ramoni, near the city park "Grad" in the village of Solnechny.
29 августа 2024

At the expense of the Pskov region, repairs are being made at the boarding school of the Genichesky district of the Kherson region

At the moment, a new roof and plastic windows are being installed in the building.
27 августа 2024

This year, about a thousand families from the Stavropol Territory bought housing under the Young Family program

The authorities have allocated 1.4 billion rubles for this task.
27 августа 2024

The building of the future School of Creative Industries is being renovated in Vologda

The completion of the work is scheduled for November this year.
27 августа 2024

In St. Petersburg, they want to open a new berth for almost 9 million rubles by the end of August

The facility was built next to the Faberge Museum on the Fontanka River Embankment.
23 августа 2024

In Vologda, the Rodina cinema has received the status of a cultural heritage site of regional significance

The building is also listed in the State Register of Historical and Cultural monuments.
22 августа 2024

Construction of the largest school has begun in Krasnoyarsk

The educational institution will be able to accommodate up to 1,550 children.