Бывшей замглавы одного из отделений налоговой службы Москвы дали 8,5 лет за взятку

Также прокуратура потребовала взыскать с виновной 1,3 миллиона рублей преступного дохода.

Reuters: ретейлеры обошли запрет Apple на экспорт iPhone 16 в Россию

В РФ началась продажи нового смартфона американской компании.

Средняя цена гибридного автомобиля в России упала до 7,43 миллиона рублей

В РФ стали продавать больше машин, использующих для привода нефтепродукты и электричество.


16 сентября 2024

Conditions for obtaining benefits for large families were discussed in Saransk

In the Family Multifunctional Center, representatives of large families were given a financial and legal mini-lecture.
16 сентября 2024

Drivers of Mordovia were reminded of the rules for crossing railway crossings

Traffic inspectors with railway workers handed out memos about the correct crossing of crossings.
16 сентября 2024

In 2024, more than three hundred elderly residents of the Lyambirsky district of Mordovia were transported by multidisciplinary teams from villages to medical institutions

Special mobile teams are working in the republic, which provide medical care to residents of remote settlements.

16 сентября 2024

Preschoolers of Mordovia studied the "ABC of safety"

In the children's library-branch No. 6 of the city of Ruzaevka, the children got acquainted with the basics of traffic rules.
16 сентября 2024

There are plans to build a spa resort in the capital of Mordovia

The project of the indoor thermal complex was supported at a meeting of the Committee for improving the investment climate of the republic.

15 сентября 2024

Head of Pushkinsky district near Moscow: preparation for the heating season is a priority

Maxim Krasnotsvetov held a regular meeting on the readiness of all services for the winter period.
14 сентября 2024

Going to a restaurant in large cities has become 11% more expensive for Russians

Attendance at establishments in Moscow and St. Petersburg has fallen, while in the regions it has increased.