The first districts of Mordovia, where the harvesting campaign started, were Kovylkinsky and Staroshaygovsky. Peas and winter wheat are harvested here. Farmers expect high yields — at least 40 quintals per hectare.
Photo: Official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mordovia
This year, farmers of the republic will have to harvest more than 460 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops. We add that more than 1 thousand combine harvesters will be involved in grain harvesting in Mordovia.
The agroholding of Talina Group reports that the total sown and harvested area in 10 districts of the republic is 111 thousand hectares. During the harvest, 136 modern combines and 350 vehicles will enter the fields.
Various crops are grown in the fields, including winter and spring wheat, barley, soybeans, flax and sunflower. Special attention is paid to peas — it occupies 31,222 hectares, spring wheat — 27,753 hectares, winter wheat — 46,332 hectares, barley — 7,897 hectares, flax — 13,904 hectares, soybeans — 21,947 hectares and sunflower — 4,762 hectares.
All cultivated crops are harvested for the production of compound feeds. They make up the main part of the diet of animals kept at Talina Group pig farms. Grain is shipped to the Kovylkinsky feed mill.
Photo: Official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mordovia
This year, the production facilities of a new enterprise of this profile, located in the village of Parapino, Kovylkinsky district, will be connected.
In the first days of harvest, the head of the republic wrote in his Telegram channel that 1/5 of the planned area has already been harvested and harvested - 905 tons, which is more than 3 million cans of peas.
In August and September, the harvest of late crops such as flax, soybeans and sunflowers will begin. The capacities of our equipment allow us to grind more than 20,000 tons of grain daily.
In 2023, a record grain harvest was harvested in Mordovia — 2 million 80 thousand tons.
Earlier we talked about the state support that farmers of Mordovia will receive this year.