... четырех, среди которых оказались Kion и Premier. Число подписчиков стриминговых платформ увеличилось на 29%, достигнув отметки 58 млн.
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В 2024 году флагманы отрасли сохранили свои позиции. Лидерство занимает платформа «Кинопоиск», принадлежащий компании «Яндекс», которая занимает ...
... году против 14% в прошлом году.
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Рост прибыли также позволил банкам увеличить возврат средств инвесторам. В первые два месяца 2024 года 20 банков объявили о выкупе акций на сумму 18,4 млрд евро, что на 29% больше, чем за аналогичный период прошлого года. По оценкам Barclays, 40 ...
По итогам 2024 года Счётная палата осуществила возврат в бюджеты всех уровней 148,9 млрд рублей.
4 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. По итогам 2024 года Счётная палата осуществила ...
... февраля 2025 года объём сделок на торговой площадке увеличился почти в 8 раз по сравнению с январём и почти в 33 раза по сравнению с февралем 2024 года.
4 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. По итогам февраля 2025 года объём сделок на торговой площадке увеличился почти в 8 раз по сравнению с январём и почти ...
Запрос на регистрацию символики американской Starbucks Corporation поступил в мае 2024 года, регистрация датируется 12 февраля 2025 года.
4 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Запрос на регистрацию символики американской Starbucks Corporation поступил в мае ...
Ранее мы
о том, что по данным Дом. В РФ количество ипотечных займов, выданных в январе 2025 года, сократилось на 71% относительно января 2024 года.
... меньшей мере 40% средних и крупных компаний ключевых и непроизводственных секторов экономики.
Ранее мы
, что по итогам декабря 2024 года среднемесячная заработная плата россиян достигла максимума за последние 16 лет, увеличившись на 21,9% в годовом выражении.
... муниципальным имуществом» рассказал руководитель управления имущественных и земельных отношений Руслан Карасалихов.
Он доложил о том, что в 2024 году в собственность муниципалитета было передано 180 земельных участков, готово 210 документов - технических планов объектов строительства....
... историю. На снятие требуется несколько дней, что позволяет обдумать решение.
, позволяющий установить такой запрет был принят весной 2024 года, главным образом он направлен на борьбу с мошенничеством и призван оградить россиян от спонтанных действий под давлением, либо от ...
... началу 2025 года это уже почти 91,5 тыс. человек.
Таким образом снизился и показатель получивших представителей МСП муниципальную поддержку в 2024 году. Вместо 27 запланированных единиц, он составил – 23. А сумма субсидий увеличилась на один миллион рублей и на данный момент составляет ...
... марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Руководитель Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова рассказала о результатах работы ведомства в сфере защиты прав потребителей.
В 2024 году территориальные органы службы дали 16,5 тысяч заключений по делам в целях защиты потребительских прав, причём в 97% случаев решения ...
В декабре прошлого года среднемесячная заработная плата россиян достигла максимума за последние 16 лет, увеличившись на 21,9% в годовом выражении.
3 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. В декабре прошлого года среднемесячная заработная плата россиян достигла максимума за последние 16 лет, увеличившись на 21,9% в годовом выражении.
По данным Росстата, на которые ссылаются «Ведомости», это самый высокий показатель с ноября 2008 года, когда рост составил 22%. Средний доход по стране в последний месяц года составил...
... клиниках растут ускоренными темпами, в отдельных случаях достигая 50% в годовом выражении.
Такие данные представлены в исследование Mains Lab за 2022–2024 годы, сегодня сообщает «Коммерсант».
В 2023 году средний рост цен составил 6%, а в 2024 — уже 8%. Например, стоимость анализов крови и мочи увеличилась ...
... почти на 900 млрд рублей.
Такие данные приводит «Коммерсант» со ссылкой на статистику Банка России. Показатель заметно выше, чем в январе 2024 года, когда прирост составил чуть более 600 млрд рублей, что говорит о возросшей активности граждан в размещении своих сбережений.
Рост ...
... показателя до 65% уже в марте.
Примечательно, что новичок рынка — компания Xiaomi, которая начала выпуск своего первого электромобиля SU7 в конце марта 2024 года, в феврале текущего года продала более 20 000 единиц.
Ранее мы
о том, как китайская компания BYD, производящая линейку гибридных ...
... внутренних поездок до 140 миллионов к 2030 году.
вице-премьер Правительства Дмитрий Чернышенко, сообщил, что инвестиции в туризм в России в 2024 году выросли в 1,5 раза и по итогам 3 кварталов составили 652 млрд рублей.
... систему Google Pay и Apple Pay, и достигнуть договорённостей с Индией и рядом других страна в вопросах платежей за пределами ОАЭ.
мы писали, что в 2024 году с помощью Системы быстрых платежей, сервиса Национальной системы платёжных карт, было обработано свыше 13,4 млрд операций на общую ...
Экономика Швейцарии демонстрирует самый быстрый рост за последние два года благодаря восстановлению обрабатывающей промышленности.
27 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. Экономика Швейцарии демонстрирует самый быстрый рост за последние два года благодаря восстановлению обрабатывающей промышленности.
Как сообщает Bloomberg, валовой внутренний продукт увеличился на 0,5% с октября по декабрь, что выше предварительной оценки в 0,4%. Это самый сильный рост с начала 2023 года.
Швейцария смогла избежать стагнации...
В ночь на 27 февраля биткоин опустился до $82,1 тысяч на фоне геополитической ситуации в мире.
27 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/. В ночь на 27 февраля биткоин опустился до $82,1 тысяч на фоне геополитической ситуации в мире.
Как отмечает РБК, ситуация на рынка напоминает лето 2022 года, когда рухнул криптопроект Terra, показатель «страха и жадности» находится на минимуме.
Неделю назад биткоин стоил около $95 тысяч, но уже в понедельник, 24 февраля,
начал снижение
. Причиной стали новости о возможном введении...
... инициативы депутата Дмитрия Гусева, российский рынок цветов остается критически зависимым от внешних поставок. Его слова приводит РИА Новости. В 2024 году импорт цветочной продукции достиг уровня в 70-80%. Более половины всех поставок приходится на Голландию. По мнению Гусева, увеличение ...
По итогам 2024 года банк установил новый рекорд по чистой прибыли, которая составила 1 580,3 млрд рублей по стандартам МСФО.
27 февраля. /MEDIA TALK/.По итогам ...
... platforms. An analysis of the prices of ten services revealed that subscriptions increased by four, including Kion and Premier. The number of subscribers of streaming platforms increased by 29%, reaching 58 million.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
In 2024, the industry's flagships retained their positions. The leadership is occupied by the Kinopoisk platform, owned by Yandex, which occupies 33.4% of the market. Ivi is in second place (16.9%), followed by Wink, a project implemented jointly with Rostelecom ...
... that returns on financial assets in the sector will decrease only slightly, to 13% in 2025 from 14% last year.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
The profit growth also allowed banks to increase their returns to investors. In the first two months of 2024, 20 banks announced share buybacks worth 18.4 billion euros, which is 29% more than in the same period last year. Barclays estimates that the 40 largest banks will pay about 264 billion euros to investors over the next two years.
Spanish Banco ...
... an enhanced electronic signature. The ban is effective from the day after the entry in the credit history. It takes several days to withdraw, which allows you to think about the decision.
The law allowing such a ban was adopted in the spring of 2024, it is mainly aimed at combating fraud and is designed to protect Russians from spontaneous actions under pressure, or from situations with obtaining a loan from third parties in case of theft of personal data.
According to the Central Bank,...
... the parliamentarians at a meeting of the joint commissions.
Ruslan Karasalikhov, Head of the Department of Property and Land Relations, spoke about the adjustments expected by the Municipal Property Management program.
He reported that in 2024, 180 land plots were transferred to the ownership of the municipality, 210 documents were ready - technical plans for construction sites.
Photo: Voronezh City Duma
It is planned to transfer 178 highways to the city in 2025. At the moment,...
... growing annually. If in 2023 there were a little more than 44 thousand self-employed people in Voronezh, then by the beginning of 2025 it will be almost 91.5 thousand people.
Thus, the number of SME representatives who received municipal support in 2024 also decreased. Instead of the planned 27 units, it was 23. And the amount of subsidies has increased by one million rubles and currently stands at 3 million.
Photo: Voronezh City Duma
At the same time, the number of new jobs due to ...
... in private clinics are growing at an accelerated pace, in some cases reaching 50% in annual terms.
Such data is presented in the Mains Lab study for 2022-2024, Kommersant reports today.
In 2023, the average price increase was 6%, and in 2024 it was already 8%. For example, the cost of blood and urine tests has increased by 5-6%, and appointments with a therapist, neurologist and other specialists have increased in price by 6-9%. There were isolated cases of an increase in the cost of ...
... Popova, spoke about the results of the agency's work in the field of consumer protection.
March, 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, spoke about the results of the agency's work in the field of consumer protection.
In 2024, the territorial bodies of the service issued 16,500 conclusions on cases in order to protect consumer rights, and in 97% of cases decisions were made in favor of citizens.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
This is reported by TASS with reference ...
... Chinese market, with a figure of 53% in February. Experts predict a further increase in this indicator to 65% in March.
It is noteworthy that the newcomer to the market is Xiaomi, which launched its first electric car, the SU7, at the end of March 2024, and sold more than 20,000 units in February this year.
Earlier, we wrote about how the Chinese company BYD, which manufactures a range of hybrid and electric cars, continues to conquer international markets.
... broken ribs and tubular bones. Doctors also recorded traumatic brain injuries. The growing number of accidents involving scooters puts additional strain on doctors.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
The Sochi State Traffic Inspectorate said that in 2024, more than 4,500 fines were issued with the participation of SIM in the amount of 1.37 million rubles. This is 3 times more than in 2023. Then the violators received 1,400 fines in the amount of 1.15 million rubles, Kommersant reports.
Recall ...
... permit.
March, 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. In Kazan, the Chekhov Market reconstruction project may soon receive a construction permit. According to Mayor Ilsur Metshin, the owner is ready to demonstrate the final sketch.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
In 2024, architect Oleg Maklakov presented the project to the mayor of the city. The documents indicate that the Chekhov market will be divided into several parts: the main building, shopping malls and a courtyard with galleries.
The main shopping tent ...
... more attractive to Russians, increase its contribution to the country's economy to 5% and bring the number of domestic trips to 140 million by 2030.
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said that investments in tourism in Russia in 2024 increased 1.5 times and amounted to 652 billion rubles in 3 quarters.
... a significant increase in the volume of term deposits of individuals — by almost 900 billion rubles.
Such data is provided by Kommersant with reference to statistics from the Bank of Russia. The indicator is noticeably higher than in January 2024, when the increase amounted to just over 600 billion rubles, which indicates an increased activity of citizens in placing their savings.
An increase in deposit placements was noted in almost all major banks, but Sberbank was an exception: its ...
In December last year, the average monthly salary of Russians reached its highest level in the last 16 years, increasing by 21.9% year-on-year.
March, 3rd. /MEDIA TALK/. In December last year, the average monthly salary of Russians reached its highest level in the last 16 years, increasing by 21.9% year-on-year.
According to Rosstat, cited by Vedomosti, this is the highest figure since November 2008, when the increase was 22%. The average income in the country in the last month of the year...
There are 1.7 times more terminals accepting bank cards of the MIR payment system in Kazakhstan.
2nd of March. /MEDIA TALK/. There are 1.7 times more terminals accepting bank cards of the MIR payment system in Kazakhstan. In 2024, the number of such points increased from 108 to 183.
The MIR card is accepted by ATMs and trading platforms operated by VTB Bank (Kazakhstan). The credit institution intends to further expand the card acceptance network. The airports of Astana ...
In 2024, the Federation of Hospitality Auditors conducted secret inspections in 500 Russian restaurants and hotels.
2nd of March. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, the Federation of Hospitality Auditors conducted secret inspections in 500 Russian restaurants and hotels....
... integration with Samsung Wallet.
By the middle of the year, it is planned to integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay into the system, and reach agreements with India and a number of other countries on payments outside the UAE.
Earlier, we wrote that in 2024, over 13.4 billion transactions totaling 69.5 trillion rubles were processed using the Fast Payment System, a service of the National Payment Card System, which was a record figure.
In 2024, the average monthly income of employees of the financial sector and insurance companies reached 206.3 thousand rubles. RIA Novosti presented an analysis of the data from the Unified Interdepartmental Statistical System.
February 28th. /MEDIA TALK/....
In 2024, there was a significant change in the structure of lending in Russia. The share of loans issued to customers with a high debt burden has halved in the consumer market, amounting to 26%.
February 27. /MEDIA TALK/. In 2024, there was a significant ...
Photo: ru.freepik.com
Overall, the Spanish economy has been showing steady growth, overtaking most European countries in recent years. This is due to the active influx of tourists, an increase in exports and stable domestic demand. In 2024, the country's gross domestic product grew by 3.2%, which contributed to higher wages and lower unemployment.
The publication also notes that in 2025, the European Central Bank is likely to achieve its 2% inflation target. Analysts expect a ...
Online retailer Ozon has demonstrated an increase in financial results for 2024, with annual revenue increasing by 45% to RUB 615.7 billion.
February 27. /MEDIA TALK/.Online retailer Ozon has demonstrated an increase in financial results for 2024, with annual revenue increasing by 45% to RUB 615.7 billion.
Adjusted EBITDA ...
... the region is one of the leaders of the agro-industrial complex in the country. Spring frosts and drought did not prevent the high rates from being achieved. The volume of production of the local agricultural industry reached 202.7 billion rubles in 2024. In terms of achievements in several areas, the region consistently ranks in the TOP 3 in Russia.
In addition, the Lipetsk Region is one of the main food producers in the Central Federal District. And in terms of products such as soybeans, sugar ...
... repertoire, depriving the Russian distribution of major hits and premieres. The lack of new materials forced cinemas to re-show already known films, which later led to legal disputes.
Earlier, we told you that according to the Ministry of Culture, in 2024, every fifth Russian film that received state funding was able to return costs or earn money at the box office.
By the end of 2024, the bank set a new record for net profit, which amounted to 1,580.3 billion rubles according to IFRS standards.
February 27. /MEDIA TALK/.By the end of 2024, the bank set a new record for net profit, which amounted to 1,580.3 billion rubles according ...
... value-added tax rate for domestic companies to 10%.
According to the statements of the author of the initiative, Deputy Dmitry Gusev, the Russian flower market remains critically dependent on external supplies. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. In 2024, the import of floral products reached a level of 70-80%. More than half of all shipments come from the Netherlands. According to Gusev, the increase in tariffs helps to increase the availability of flowers for the population and reduce the volume ...
On the night of February 27, bitcoin dropped to $82.1 thousand against the backdrop of the geopolitical situation in the world.
February 27. /MEDIA TALK/. On the night of February 27, bitcoin dropped to $82.1 thousand against the backdrop of the geopolitical situation in the world.
As noted by RBC, the market situation resembles the summer of 2022, when the Terra crypto project collapsed, the indicator of "fear and greed" is at a minimum.
A week ago, bitcoin was worth about $95...
... of the Housing Relations Department's specialists, 372 agreements on the transfer of premises to ownership were signed.
It should be noted that social housing employers must pay for housing, but, unfortunately, some neglect this duty. Thus, in 2024, magistrates issued more than 500 court orders for the joint collection of debts totaling 7 million rubles. Thanks to the apartment-by-apartment bypass of debtors, it was possible to collect 5.5 million rubles of debt.
Voronezh City Hall spends ...
The Swiss economy is showing the fastest growth in the last two years due to the recovery of the manufacturing industry.
February 27. /MEDIA TALK/. The Swiss economy is showing the fastest growth in the last two years due to the recovery of the manufacturing industry.
According to Bloomberg, gross domestic product increased by 0.5% from October to December, which is higher than the preliminary estimate of 0.4%. This is the strongest growth since the beginning of 2023.
Switzerland was...